
Counseling Center

My name is Haley Irby, I am the School Counselor at J.A. Vitovsky Elementary in Midlothian ISD.
This page provides you with information about the School Counseling program.

Midlothian ISD Counselors impact the academic, career, and personal/social development of all students. School Counselors are integral members of the instructional team. They directly impact student achievement by delivering comprehensive services that meet the needs of the 21st century school community.

What does this mean for your child? This means that I pay close attention to every student in the building and how he/she 'connects' to his/her education and therefore achieves to the maximum level possible. I help your child and all school stakeholders to creatively problem-solve any issues that may (temporarily or otherwise) pose an obstacle to the learning process.

Professional School Counselors are uniquely trained leaders who promote success for all students. They collaborate with school stakeholders using data‐driven decisions to facilitate the success of the 21st century learner in an ever‐changing society.

As a result, the student will:

  • achieve to his/her maximum potential
  • demonstrate academic, career, personal/social problem-solving skills
  • recognize and appreciate individual and cultural differences
  • develop communication, citizenship and employability skills to make positive contributions to the community
  • access human and technological resources for support and information